Cemonc is the pseudonym of the illustrator, cartoonist and painter Eric Simons. After finishing the Academy of Fine Arts Eric Simons started painting, drawing and illustrating as an independent artist. In 2010, he started teaching classes for people who wanted to learn the skills involved in drawing cartoons. In March 2016 the Cartoonacademy was launched as a successful enterprise. The artist developed a variety of exercises for different target groups to provide insight into the elements and skills needed to create a fine cartoon. The artist has continued to develop new exercises, examples and explanations for use in the classes.

Cartoonacademy has provided training to a variety of organizations, including: Leiden University; Tax- and Custom Authority Museum Rotterdam; primary school 'de Regenboog' Breukelen; a family event in 'van der Valk' Hotel, Nijmegen; accountancy office Grant Thornton, Arnhem; DOCK Amsterdam Centre; Anna van Rijn College Nieuwegein (event for teachers); Knowmads Business school Amsterdam; Performation Healthcare Intelligence, Wageningen University & Research; various family celebrations.
Drawing Cartoons with the Cartoonacademy
The Cartoonacademy works with educational sheets, a beamer, and a variety of laminated example cartoons with diverse themes that exemplify a variety of techniques using a wide range of materials. The Cartoonacademy is available to present a course, workshop or event at your location or a location chosen in mutual consultation. When training large groups of students the Cartoonacademy often works with an assistant.
There is good reason to ponder how the Cartoonacademy may grow. Future plans for thematic travel events with the Cartoonacademy are in the works: some training events may take place abroad. The Cartoonacademy has more surprises and develops step by step in new directions: look also to the Drawing Academy at page Drawing Academy.
Visual report